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Trade Mission to Paris Unesco 04-Jun-2015
An interview was done by Dubai one TV about the Board Members Trade Mission to Paris and by Julie Leblan a member of DBWC and a French business Council member as well as CEO of 03-Jun-2015
Ro’Ya 2015 Testimonial: Maria Person – Ro’Ya 2015 Think Tank Partners 27-May-2015
Ro’Ya 2015 Testimonial: Lionela Todirean – Ro’Ya 2015 Applicant 27-May-2015
Ro’Ya 2015 Testimonial: Reem Habib – Ro’Ya 2015 Applicant 27-May-2015
Ro’Ya 2015 Testimonial: Fauza Mwamtindi – Ro’Ya 2015 Applicant 27-May-2015

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