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Equipping Business and Professional Women in Dubai

Middle East PARTNER//Erin Swanson//February 4, 2013//no comments


It’s been more than a decade since Mrs. Raja Easa Al Gurg founded the Dubai Business Women’s Council (DBWC) in 2002. Its creation swiftly filled a gap in the Dubai economy for women in business, entrepreneurs and professionals. The organization is playing a large role in helping business and professional women in the United Arab Emirates and across the Middle East through its leadership in regional endeavors.

In fact, in October 2012, Mrs. Raja was called an “Emirati Inspiration” on the cover of Forbes Middle East. This piece called attention to her role as “an exacting business leader and shining example amongst Arab Women” as Managing Director of Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group (one of the biggest companies in the Arab region), as a mother, a philanthropist, and as president of DBWC.

At its core, DBWC goes beyond the individual focus of women in business with the aim of increasing the contribution of women in the economy, as well as in shaping economic development across all sectors and areas of the business community. The organization seeks to strengthen the bond among business and professional women in Dubai and helps them to broaden their knowledge and networking platform.

DBWC’s membership is composed both of Emirati women as well as women from around the world currently working in Dubai. The organization equips women primarily by sharing business opportunities, encouraging partnerships, creating networking events and providing educational and professional development opportunities. One of their signature development programs is Network Majlis, (network council) a monthly educational forum. Further supporting its members, DBWC recently launched a robust new website. The site provides a range of information including how to do business in Dubai, helpful resources and upcoming events.

MD - Forbes Cover Oct-2012Mrs. Raja’s vision is to take women and business to the next level by empowering and educating women leaders. In her tenure, she recalls being able to count “on half a hand” the number of women in the business world in the UAE to today estimating their number at more than 13,000. DWBC’s members report significant benefits from their association and membership in DBWC ranging from actual business referrals, to support, inspiration and expanded professional skills. Here at The Way Women Work, we too are enriched through our partnership with DWBC . We look forward to expanding our collaboration and furthering our mutual goal of developing business women leaders around the world.

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