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DBWC Board meeting that was held on Thursday April 9th at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce& Industry

Dr. Raja Al Gurg, President of the Dubai Business women Council, led the DBWC Board Meeting on Thursday April 9th.

During the Meeting, the Board discussed the 2014 accomplishments as well as the completed and upcoming activities of the Council for 2015.

Strategic related matters related to the Council’s activities, performance and growth were also amongst the main points of discussion.

In addition to the above, the progress and development of the Ro’Ya 2015 Programme, which is a joint initiative with MasterCard, were also deliberated and were compared with the pilot year of the programme which was launched in 2014.   The Council alongside MasterCard are working hard to develop the Ro’Ya programme so that it remains one of the unique initiatives in Dubai that supports, empowers and guides budding entrepreneurs.


The Board Members were also presented with a virtual visit of the new and improved interactive DBWC website that was redesigned and re-launched recently. The new and improved website entails a more interactive platform that allows members to connect on a B2B level, the new Cinematic PR segment of the media section, and the launch of the of the webinars which aims to cater to the Council’s international members.



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