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How to Build a Healthy Approach to Artificial Intelligence in the Organization

How to Build a Healthy Approach to Artificial Intelligence in the Organization


Thursday October 26th ,  2023


The Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) was proud to host an informative workshop with Dr. Laura Aymerich-Franch, on the profound impact of generative AI tools like ChatGPT on society. Similar to the transformative arrival of the Internet, this massive introduction of AI tools necessitates the preparation of organizations for a healthy and harmonious human-AI coexistence.

This exclusive workshop was designed to empower the attendees in building a culture of AI inclusivity within their organizations regardless of their technical background. Attendees gained the necessary skills to guide their personnel through the transition to the age of AI democratization. The workshop also addressed important aspects such as fostering accountability and responsible usage of AI tools, identifying and correcting potential biases towards AI, and evaluating AI opportunities and risks from a balanced perspective.

By attending this organizational behaviour workshop, attendees we able to benefit from numerous advantages, including the establishment of a healthy and inclusive AI culture, the correction of existing AI biases, enhanced capacity to address AI risks and opportunities, increased accountability and responsible use of AI tools among personnel, an empowered AI mindset that boosts competitive advantage, and a human-centric view of AI that reduces the likelihood of human replacement.

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