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Money Talk by Baytuki

Money Talk by Baytuki


Thursday June 22nd, 2023

The Dubai Business Women Council recently hosted an enlightening event titled "Money Talk" by BAYTUKI founder Latifa Bin Haider. The event focused on empowering women to take control of their finances and work towards achieving their financial goals. Latifa emphasized that the first step in this journey is to gain knowledge about money, be mindful of spending habits, and create a realistic action plan for financial success. During the session, participants were introduced to Baytuki, a platform designed to empower and educate women of all ages and income brackets through micro-investments in Real Estate. The event provided valuable takeaways, including a historical perspective on money and inflation, the importance of financial literacy, insights into different asset classes and income streams, and a new method of monthly money management called The Jar System. Attendees also learned about The Golden Accounting Formula, a tool for tracking assets and liabilities. Additionally, the session highlighted the benefits of investing in Real Estate and why Baytuki is an ideal platform for financial prosperity. It was an informative event that equipped participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed financial decisions and work towards achieving their financial goals.

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