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Launch, Grow, and Monetise your Personal and Business Brand

Launch, Grow, and Monetise your Personal and Business Brand

Wednesday June 21st, 2023


The Dubai Business Women Council recently hosted an engaging virtual event centred around the theme of "What you know = Opportunity." The webinar aimed to highlight the importance of making oneself known and sharing expertise in order to seize opportunities. Nima Abu Wardeh, a renowned expert in effective communication, guided participants through an interactive session, offering valuable insights and addressing their queries. Throughout the webinar, Nima emphasized the key aspects often overlooked when building a personal brand and revealed the three essential Cs that are considered crucial for success. The event concluded with an empowering formula: Raise your Profile + Sustain Success = Earn More. It was a thought-provoking and informative session, leaving participants equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to enhance their visibility and achieve greater success in their endeavours.





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