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WAM - Emirates News Agency :Global Thinkers Forum Awards 2014 honours ‘Arab Women as Changemakers’

DUBAI, 22nd October, 2014 (WAM) --- Global Thinkers Forum, or GTF, a UK non-profit company involved in creating dialogue and bringing current and future leaders together, will host its annual awards ceremony at the Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai on 28 November 2014, in partnership with the Dubai Business Women Council, DBWC.

Global Thinkers Forum 2014, under the theme "Arab Women as Changemakers, A Celebration of Achievements" is a high profile Awards Event that will showcase the capabilities of Arab Women as Leaders, promote better understanding of global trends and generate opportunities for growth, investment and international exposure. It will bring together leaders and representatives from businesses, governments and civil society with a goal to exchange knowledge, promote business and raise awareness around the success stories of women leaders who lead by example.

GTF CEO and Founder, Elizabeth Filippouli, states, "It is a very special evening that will salute excellence, progress and leadership in the faces of some absolutely marvelous Arab women who are pioneers, trailblazers, creators and leaders. The GTF vision and mission is to promote creativity, originality, forward thinking, and create high level forums that promote Excellence. Our honourees become GTF Ambassadors and messengers of excellence."

Commenting on the upcoming awards event, Raja Al Gurg, President, DBWC, said: "Collaborating with this year's event is our great honor as the DBWC represents women in business in Dubai and as advocates for women's empowerment it is essential to support our fellow Arab women as change makers and showcase opportunities to expatriates to work together to contribute to the economic growth and overall betterment of our community."

"I am extremely grateful to receive this year's Excellence in Leadership Award and thankful to my peers for considering me for this esteemed title. Through the support from the multitude of likeminded women leaders in the region, and further afield, I receive the inspiration and motivation to continue evolving as a Arab women leader and strive to show younger generations what they can achieve," concluded Al Gurg.

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