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Build Your Website & Online Store Within a Few Days!

Build Your Website & Online Store Within a Few Days!


September 20, 2021

DBWC hosted an online session for its members and business community on how to build a website and how to get it online in a few days. The speaker Katelyn Apps, Founder of Yani Site, sponsored one of the member’s actual business and provided a step by step live demo on how to build her website.

Objectives of the session:

•           Highlight how quick and easy it can be to get online.

•           What is Yani Site? What is a website builder?

•           Difference between a website builder and agency. Benefits/Challenges.

•           Website builder and online store demo.

•           How do I connect my payment gateway?

•           How would I set up delivery?

•           The importance of owning your own data as well as being able to edit your site “on the fly!”.

To know more about Yani Site visit :

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