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Dubai Business Women Council and SAP hold Design Thinking workshop


Key entrepreneurial skills taught to UAE's budding businesswomen


Dubai, UAE, 20 March 2014 – Members of the Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC), the official representative organisation for business women, both professionals and entrepreneurs, in the Emirate of Dubai, were treated to an exclusive Design Thinking workshop held by SAP MENA, on March 20.

The workshop, led by Sameer Areff, Vice President: Emerging Markets (Middle East and Africa), SAP, focused on a creative and collaborative problem-solving method for complex issues, that is practiced in leading global institutes - including Stanford University’s Design School, Germany’s Hasso-Plattner Institute Design and IDEO. Its unique process is of particular use to entrepreneurs across the globe, who implement its methods to solve the issues they face in their day to day business dealings.

"Problem-solving is one of the most essential skills that any entrepreneur can learn," said Mrs Raja Al Gurg, President of DBWC. "The ability to overcome hurdles in business is what can make or break an entrepreneur. SAP's Design Thinking workshop provided a vital educational experience for the women of the DBWC, that is easily applicable in any entrepreneur's life to help lead them to business success."

SAP's Design Thinking workshop teaches participants how to come up with innovative solutions that are desirable, feasible and viable from an economic standpoint. Being able to do so allows entrepreneurs to create a point of differentiation in an increasingly competitive market, allowing them to forge ahead and achieve success.




About DBWC:
Established in 2002, under the umbrella of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Dubai Business Women Council is the official representative organisation for business women, both professionals and entrepreneurs, in the Emirate of Dubai.
Building awareness, educating, promoting opportunities and enhancing positive change in the community towards the acceptance of women in business is at the heart of the DBWC’s belief in empowering women and motivating them to be productive members of the society and economy.
The ‘Network Majlis’ events are hosted monthly by the DBWC in order to provide information about the latest knowledge, skills and best practices for women entrepreneurs and leaders. For more information about DBWC and their recent activities, visit
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