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No difference between men and women in business

Dubai: Dr. Raja Easa Al Gurg, a well-known Emirati businesswoman and the Managing Director of the Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group LLC (ESAG), said “There is no difference between men and women in terms of intelligence and the ability to innovate and succeed in the world of business. A woman who aspires to attain a senior position should believe in her self-worth and acquire the means to build up her personality and highlight her potential as an asset for the organisation.”


Raja is the President of Dubai Business Women Council, Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Dubai Healthcare City Authority, Board member of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI), Dubai Women’s Association. Dr. Al Gurg is the first Emirati woman on the board of HSBC Bank Middle East Limited.


Raja said that However, she said that A change in societal perspectives is needed which acknowledges that women can be as successful as men and can perform as effectively as men in senior positions. To achieve this, we need to raise awareness that women can contribute as active agents in society and as successful future leaders, making a shift from the traditional view to a more progressive one that accepts women as breadwinners capable of holding decision-making positions.

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