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The second part of the Ince & Co series shed the light on legalities of setting up a business

Dubai Business Women Council hosted Rita Jansen, the Partner of Ince&Co who took the ladies through the steps required in creating a proper business set up, and shed the light on the legalities as well as the pros and cons of each form of business. The guest speaker who is the Founder and Managing Partner of CityFilm, and the Chairman of the Netherlands Business Council, Stefanie Schachtschabel shared her inspiring journey as how she became a successful entrepreneur.

She also encouraged the ladies to think out of the box and to follow their hearts and passions. By doing so, Stefanie is able to generate interest and passion in new projects, plans and strategies. Since 2017 she is organizing creative retreats (Inspiration Camp) in Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, South Africa & Portugal to inspire other people to follow their dreams too. 

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