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DBWC & ICON Workshop Series: March Leadership Codes

March 6 & 14,2017


The DBWC hosted the final DBWC and ICON Leadership code series in March on how to lead yourself, lead others and how to lead your business.

Through all these 9 workshop series that took place in January, March and April our members gained the knowledge and skills of how to be the CEO of their own lives, the true master in scripting and designing their future, and polishing their leadership skills to inspire and transform others and lead them from a place of true vision and integrity.

March Leadership series were conducted by Salma Sakhnini Founder & Managing Director ICON Training and Coaching and its objectives were to teach our members that successful leadership is a true advantage in today’s global market place. Leaders have certain traits, such as a compelling vision, emotional intelligence, the ability to listen and inspire, and confidence in themselves and their ability to take risks. Yet, becoming a leader who is effective can seem daunting. There must be a strategic plan in place that sets the vision and provides the steps necessary to succeed.


High performance leadership is a competitive advantage in today’s global marketplace. Leaders need the skills to gain the trust of their teams and the confidence of their clients. Effective leadership involves moving others toward a shared and defined vision that results in accomplished goals. 

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