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Female entrepreneurs on mission to UK

A group of female entrepreneurs from the UAE are to meet with industry specialists in the UK as part of a business mission.

Touring London, Manchester and Belfast, the UAE Women in Business Mission to the UK is designed to explore possibilities of cooperation, partnerships, and opportunities.

The mission started on Sunday and the party consists of members from the Abu Dhabi Businesswomen Council, Dubai Business Women Council and RUWAD Establishment in Sharjah.

Looking to broaden links and create lasting networks with counterparts in the UK, the women are entrepreneurs in sectors ranging from fashion, education and food, to interiors, finance and events.

The initiative, supported by UK Trade & Investment and the UAE-UK Business Council, comes at a time when the UK is making it quicker and easier for British and Gulf countries to do business together.

Dominic Jeremy, the UK's ambassador to the UAE, said: "I hope that the visit will enable UAE business women to not only understand the breadth and depth of the UK's business environment, but that it will give them the inspiration to create new and innovative companies and build long lasting commercial relationships with their British partnerships."

In London, the group will be hosted by the Arab British Chamber of Commerce and will meet Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, senior FCO minister of state at the House of Lords.

In Manchester they will be hosted by the Lord Mayor at Manchester Town Hall, while in Belfast, they will attend the inaugural International Business Women's Conference 'Creating a New Economy' and meet Arlene Foster, Northern Ireland's minister for enterprise, trade and investment.

Raja Easa Al Gurg, managing director of the Easa Saleh Al Gurg Group and mission leader for the Dubai Business Women Council said: "The UAE needs to see more women setting up and running their own businesses.

"We are confident that through our official visit to the UK we can encourage more of our young women to take their first entrepreneurial steps and turn their business dreams into reality."


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